You provide the compositional data and other structured data in bulk. We perform the data import and we make sure that your PRIMS users are properly trained. You are guided in the entire on-boarding process by one of our dedicated project managers that will be assigned to your project.
Already on the first access to PRIMS most features and reporting are immediately available, such as automated compliance status monitoring and detailed analysis per product, product composition downloads and mandatory label content briefs, 24/7 real-time compliance dashboard (including the REACH management dashboard), and where used reporting.
The document transfer and upload process is discussed in more detail to find the right balance and timing between workload and added value.
Once operational (within 4-8 weeks), total resources spent on regulatory processes are significantly reduced with up to 40%, in particular on PIF management, and (continuous) compliance and safety assessment.
PRIMS includes an intuitive user interface, dashboard overview with product portfolio compliance status and easy navigation. Specifications are fully traceable back and forth through one-click navigation between raw materials, formulations, packaging components, products, multi-product kits, and companies (suppliers). Where-used reports are generated and exported in spreadsheet format in a few seconds.
PRIMS has been developed with a 100% focus on regulatory requirements and processes, and to quickly produce the relevant output documents and reports such as the Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR), Cumulative Product Composition (exact or ranges), and the Regulatory Content Brief (mandatory label content).
Documents and reports are available at all times, are quickly (re-) generated to adjust for any changes, and ready for export/download to all users.
PRIMS is a continuously updated digital eco-system that produces live dashboards, and real-time reporting and documents.
The REACH management dashboard presents a real-time overview of all substance-supplier combinations that require verification of REACH registration compliance.
To manage importer obligations, PRIMS algorithms calculate and present substance-supplier combinations where the annually imported quantity surpasses the 1.000 kg threshold, by at least one individual importer, and where the substance is not exempted.
By changing the selection criteria (calendar year, region, local manufacturers), the dashboard overview is modified to meet your needs.
Simply click on one of the raw materials in the dashboard to directly manage REACH compliance details for that specific raw material. And once you are done, you immediately see the results in your dashboard.
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